A Very Vintage Christmas by Tilly Tennant

Those lovely people @bookouture came up trump’s again for me as a #BookReviewer #BookBlogger over on @NetGalley. They accepted me for @TillyTenWriter #Christmas book “A Very Vintage Christmas.


I am really glad @bookouture are out there as they seem to have lots of my kind of writer working with them and Tilly is one of them. I have read a lot of her work and have always really enjoyed it. I adore the cover of this book, it reminds me of my childhood back in the 70s, traditional colours with no pink and purple baubles.

The storyline had me smiling throughout. it was a comfortable read, no nasties. i adored the quirkiness of it and the characters. While reading it, it made me feel all warm inside. I could imagine a warm fire and hot chocolate.

This really is another Tilly Treasure and one that will stay with me for some time.

i rate this book 5/5


A Seaside Escape by Lisa Hobman

As a #AriaAddict and #BookBlogger, I was so thrilled when @Aria_Fiction Whizzed through a copy of @LisaJHobmanAuth , Contemporary Romance, A Seaside Escape.



The Last Will and Testament of Daphne Le Marche by Kate Forster

Once again I felt privileged to have been able to review this upcoming book from @HQstories by @kateforster which I discovered over on @NetGalley. 

 I think the cover is lovely and, I adored the storyline. The flitting back and forth, the intrigue, the characters, it was a page turner I could not put down until I had got to the end ( thank heavens for insomnia!!)

This book was a true delight from London, Paris, Nice and Switzerland. I cannot recommend this book enough when it is published, it really was a joy to read.

I rate this book 5/5

Publication Date  8 September 2016


Paris, 1956. Eighteen year old Daphné may be from a tiny French village, but she knows she’s destined for more. Stepping off a bus into bustling Paris with a suitcase full of her home-made beauty products, she’s ready to do whatever it takes to claim her stake in the world.

London, 2016. Scandalous love affairs and an iconic cosmetics brand have kept Daphné Le Marche in spotlight – but her darkest secrets have never come to light. Now, in her London penthouse, enveloped in her rich signature scent, the Grande Dame of glamour has died.

But not even those closest to her could have been prepared for what came next.

What Does a Book Blogger Actually Do by Cait @PaperFury

What a great post by @PaperFury. I’ve also discovered I need to take a look at #Bookstragram. I’d never heard of it.
I love to review books as I love to read. It costs me nothing, I review for free and I give honest reviews too.
Seems as soon as I’ve finished my current book I shall be taking a peek at #Bookstragram to see what its all about.



Thank You so much Cait for your wonderful words of wisdom