The Name I Call Myself by Beth Moran

My Thanks to @LionHudson and @NetGalley and of course @bethcmoran for giving me the opportunity to review this book.


“Perry wants to think his mother giving me her wedding dress is a touching gesture. He hasn’t seen the dress.”

The good news for Faith is that she has met Perry. He’s rich, gorgeous, and has vowed to leave his playboy ways behind forever and marry her. The bad news is that Perry’s mother is planning Faith’s nightmare wedding, including the dress from hell.

While dreaming about her ideal ceremony, Faith goes to her mother’s church – and ends up joining the choir! Here she meets a man who makes her feel safe, perhaps even safe enough to share the dark secrets that are catching up with her. Secrets she’s not even confided in her fiancé, despite the fact that danger is closing in…


The story has the right mixture of laughter and tears which jump out at you from each page, I like that in a book. The characters are great too. There was a lot going on in this book which really got you thinking. It was an enjoyable book with plenty of issues raised, it wasn’t what I was expecting.

I rate this book 4/5

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